CCTV Systems

We provide military-grade cameras for residential and commercial properties in all kinds of environments. Our range of CCTV systems include analog and digital IP based cameras coupled with infra-red, thermal, vandal proof, PTZ features for outdoor and indoor surveillance.


Our Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) monitoring systems provide a number of benefits to users focused on public safety and civil security. Suitable for monitoring large events, protests, borders or even an individual. UAV's can provide your team with the overview they need.

Intrusion Detection

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a system that monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and issues alerts when such activity is discovered. We provide and install a wide range of IDS systems ranging from Biometric Access Control to Motion Sensors and Alarm Systems.

Covert Devices

Whether you’re looking to get a confession or simply looking to keep an eye on your nanny, covert surveillance is sometimes necessary. We have available, body worn cameras, covert/hidden cameras, signal jammers/white noise generators, bug detecters and recorders.

Division Services

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